The «Curse of the Colonel» is an urban legend from Japan that originated in 1985. It refers to the curse placed on a baseball team, the Hanshin Tigers, in Kansai, Japan. The curse is believed to be put by the ghost of KFC founder Colonel . However, there are no documented evidences that this actually happened. It’s also important to keep in mind that this story is only part of the legend.
fans of the Hanshin Tigers have used the curse to explain the team’s long-term losing streak. The legend was so widespread that fans believed the team would not win another Japan Series until the statue was recovered. This is why, in the 1985 Japan Championship Series, Hanshin’s fans threw the statue into the Dotonbori River. The incident caused a large number of people to panic and the statue was recovered in less than three weeks.

The curse was first reported by Hanshin fans. After 18 years, the team could not win the Japan Series again. Some fans believed that until the statue was recovered, the team would not win another championship series. They threw the statue into the Dotonbori River in 1985. Although the legend has been disproved, the surviving statue is still considered a valuable treasure. It is now home to one of the most famous Japanese sports figures.
The statue of the Colonel was once a symbol of the team’s sexy and mysterious past. The statue’s sexy image was associated with many sinister depictions, such as the Colonel’s infamous smile in the anime series Higurashi When They Cry. The curse has even been linked to the Japanese folktale of tsukumogami, which states that an object can come to life after 100 years.
The «Curse of the Colonel» is a myth that has plagued the Hanshin Tigers for years. The Colonel was a powerful and influential character in the anime series Higurashi When They Cry and has been linked to a folk tale from Japan called «tsukumogami.» The tsukumogami is a Japanese legend that a dead object can be resurrected after 100 years.
This legend was widely believed to explain an 18-year-old losing streak. The statue of the Colonel was thrown into the Dotonbori River after a win, but a scuba diver was sent to retrieve it. This attempt failed, but the statue remains in the river. The curse of the colonel was a hoax, but it has influenced many sports. fact, it is not surprising that the fate of the Hanshien Tigers is linked to its star player.
It was also believed that the statue would bring good luck to the Hanshin Tigers. The Colonel was a powerful, charismatic figure. was the most feared man in Japan, but it was the only person to have been buried alive. His statue has since been recovered, but it is still believed that the curse has the ability to haunt a person, especially a woman. Sadly, this is not the case. The Colonel’s statue is still a victim of the ‘Curse of the Colony’.